Are There Fish in the Lake?


If you don’t have a fish finder, but would like to know if there are fish in your watering hole, take a peek at the birds around.  This little guy is a king fisher. He lets us know when there are smaller fish near the dock.


He is tiny, and usually sits on the boat dock like this:


He kept going back and forth to the dock railing, so I went out to see if I could picture.


Huh. This lil guy is an overachiever!  Carp!



We have a pretty large collection of babies from June. They are just starting to get their colors. There are 2-3 new batches of babies too. We have one ‘domesticated’ duck this year. When a Mallard gets different colors.


Can you see below where the green is starting to come through?


They are swimming right over the carp –


Below is my view from where I am standing:




The Tubers came by and stirred up a Blue Heron:


Other birds to follow to find fish include  Egrets, Bitterns, Loons, Mergansers, Cormorants, Grebes, Terns, Ospreys, Bald Eagles, Kingfishers, and Gulls.  God’s Fish Finders!

Fish is the theme of the nature studies in July over at the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog!

About +Angie Wright

The Transparent Thoughts of an Unschooling Family of Boys - Answering the question - What DO you DO all day?
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3 Responses to Are There Fish in the Lake?

  1. Pingback: Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival – Fishy Version

  2. Excellent connection between birds and fish…thanks so much for sharing this with the OHC carnival. I think it has helped me to be more alert to this relationship between birds and fish!

  3. LOL! I guess I never thought about that. What a thought to ponder. I think about this at the beach as I watch the pelicans and dolphins come towards shore in the evenings. However, I do not think about it at home as I watch the Hawks circle. I love you little kingfisher! He is awesome. I don’t think we have those little guys around here. I will have to check. (I have never seen any, so I assume they are not a NC bird). Thanks for the post. 🙂

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